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Blog about making music

What is dithering in audio
What is dithering in audio

You've probably come across the concept of "dither" before, especially if you've ever exported a track from your digital audio workstation (DAW) ... Read more

White and pink noise
White and pink noise

In the recording world, noise is often perceived as an undesirable effect resulting from the use of poor quality equipment or unforeseen production errors ... Read more

Compressor ratio
Compressor ratio

Understanding the effect of Ratio on audio material is critical to creating a balanced and harmonious mix ... Read more

How to become a music producer
How to become a music producer

The creation of singles and albums is the result of the collective efforts of a large team of professionals: songwriters, musicians, performers, sound engineers, producers and many others ... Read more

What is harmony in music
What is harmony in music

These elements of harmony are in close interaction. A melody is perceived as harmonious when it is created in accordance with certain rules for the combination of sounds ... Read more

Tempo in music
Tempo in music

Tempo is one of the key elements of musical expressiveness, along with such concepts as rhythm, harmony, melody, mode and others ... Read more

Rhythm in music
Rhythm in music

Rhythm in music is the alternation of sound events of varying durations, creating a unique sequence. It introduces a sense of temporal space and movement into the music ... Read more

Melody and Harmony
Melody and Harmony: Similarities and Differences

Musical art includes three key components: melodic lines, harmonic accompaniment and rhythmic structure ... Read more

Musical marketing
Musical marketing

In addition to the creative process, both musicians and bands need communication and marketing skills ... Read more

What is bridge in music
What is bridge in music?

A bridge is an element that links the different segments of a song. This is usually a short section of a few bars that is placed between the first chorus and the second verse ... Read more

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