
The free gems of Amped Studio

The free gems of Amped Studio

Let´s take a look at one of the free gems of Amped Studio: the GM Player.

GM stands for General Midi, a standard and protocol for presenting Midi Instruments. There are over 125 virtual instruments in the GM Player and any midi file will play back with the sound for the chosen instrument you have selected in the GM Player.

How to get it? – it’s in the Device Chain under Instruments

GM Player

Select an instrument in the drop down

Select an instrument

Drop in a bass midi file and select a Bass in the GM Player for play back

select a Bass in the GM Player

If you program a drum pattern in the note editor you can use one of the many drum kits!

drum pattern

There are emulations for Strings, Guitars, Keys, Brass, Voices and Sound Effects so take advantage with this excellent option.

We have some awesome new sounds in our 👉 Sound Shop from Producer Loops and a new look and logic!

new-sounds in our Sound Shop

So, no fooling on April´s Fools Day just the facts and the fact is we are grateful you are Amped Studio, the best online DAW!

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