Keyboard Shortcuts

    Action PC Mac
    Create new project Ctrl + Alt + N ⌥ ⌘ N
    Open project Ctrl + O ⌘ O
    Save current project Ctrl + S ⌘ S
    Save current project as Ctrl + Shift + S ⇧ ⌘ S
    Show Settings window Ctrl + , ⌘ ,
    Show this Manual F1 F1
    Start/stop playback Space Space
    Reset playhead back to start Z Z
    Toggle looping on/off L L
    Fit looping to selected regions Ctrl + L ⌘ L
    Toggle metronome on/off C C
    Toggle snapping to grid on/off N N
    Switch to Arrow tool 1 1
    Switch to Pen tool 2 2
    Switch to Time-stretching tool 3 3
    Switch to Split tool 4 4
    Undo Ctrl + Z ⌘ Z
    Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z ⇧ ⌘ Z
    Select all regions, audio clips, or notes Ctrl + A ⌘ A
    Select all regions on a track Ctrl + click the track panel ⌘ + click the track panel
    Select all notes with the same pitch Ctrl + click the key in Note Editor ⌘ + click the key in Note Editor
    Delete selected regions, clips, notes, track, or device Backspace / Delete ⌫ / ⌦
    Cut selected regions, audio clips, or notes Ctrl + X ⌘ X
    Copy selected regions, audio clips, or notes Ctrl + C ⌘ C
    Paste copied elements at playhead position Ctrl + V ⌘ V
    Duplicate selected regions or notes Ctrl + D or Alt + drag selected elements ⌘ D or ⌥ + drag selected elements
    Mute selected track M M
    Solo selected track S S
    Switch displayed track automation A A
    Add new track Shift + T ⇧ T
    Transpose selected regions or audio clips Ctrl + Up/Down ⌘ ↑/↓
    Transpose selected regions or audio clips by octave Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down ⇧ ⌘ ↑/↓
    Move selected notes in small steps Arrow keys Arrow keys
    Move selected notes by octave or beat Shift + Arrow keys ⇧ Arrow keys
    Quantize selected notes Q Q
    Show/hide Velocity Panel V V
    Switch Content Editor mode Tab
    Change Virtual Keyboard octave +/- +/-
    Scroll editors horizontally Shift + scroll the mouse wheel ⇧ + scroll the mouse wheel
    Zoom editors horizontally Ctrl + Plus/Minus
    Ctrl + scroll the mouse wheel
    ⌘ +/-
    ⌘ + scroll the mouse wheel
    Zoom editors vertically Alt + Plus/Minus
    Alt + scroll the mouse wheel
    ⌥ +/-
    ⌥ + scroll the mouse wheel
    Show/hide Sound Library Ctrl + Shift + L ⇧ ⌘ L
    Show/hide Track Inspector Ctrl + Shift + I ⇧ ⌘ I
    Show/hide Virtual Keyboard Ctrl + Shift + K ⇧ ⌘ K
    Show/hide Content Editor Ctrl + Shift + E ⇧ ⌘ E
    Show/hide XYBeatz Ctrl + Shift + B ⇧ ⌘ B
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